The International Residency Innovation Network for Northern Ostrobothnia (KRIPA project) ended in September.
In the three-year project between 2020 and 2023, the strategic cooperation opportunities and partnerships of residencies were researched, and different opportunities for residencies was piloted, e.g. in tourism, employment of artists and cooperation projects between art and science. In addition to building a regional network, the focus was on developing the expertise of residencies, as well as international cooperation and strengthening cultural activity in the area.
During the project, different areas of the development of residency activities were tested out as pilots. Kuusamo ARK carried out a two-year art collaboration with the Solstice festival, Kulttuuritalo Päiväkoti in Hailuoto offered training on residency for the tourism industry, project in public art distribution was piloted in Raahe, TaikaBox in Varjakka explored the possibilities of a carbon-neutral residency. Also, a new residency program ‘SYKLI’ was launched in Oulainen. In addition to the pilots, residencies were offered sparring and training together with professionals from different fields.
Northern AiR was founded as a part of the KRIPA-project and it continues to promote network-like and high-quality artist residency activities in North Ostrobothnia, being the region’s center of expertise and expert organization for residency activities and promoting cooperation between residencies.
The implementers of the KRIPA project were the municipality of Ii, the city of Raahe and Kuusamo college. The project is related to the Rural Development Program of Mainland Finland and the funding came from the ELY Center and the EU’s Rural Development Fund.